Apparently I now blog annually on my personal blog. Ha
I love the InterWorld! Our bee biz continues to thrive and a lot of the movement has come from our social media accounts driving people to the site and to Pearl while we were there. Also love it for reconnecting me with friends from long ago and in far away places on Earth. Here are some awesome things I have learned to do/make lately off my bucket list of things I just want to try:
Made an all natural sunblock - yay me! No more stinky, gross for your body stuff from the store.

Now making our own Honey Oats Granola. Love how you can control what goes in there.

Still need to work on perfecting it but I've checked off the Spiced Pecans thing. Too addictive but I'll try again soon.

Caramel Popcorn. Done. It was good but also addictive. Shelving this until we drop a few more pounds. haha

And finally, a not-food item to check off the list - beeswax wraps so we can discontinue use of plastic as much as possible. Still trying to find the best way to apply a thin layer of wax to my fabrics without getting wax everywhere within 2 feet of the action area. hehe

Oh yes, I've made lip balm and deodorant as well. And started stretching again each morning. And praying more. And meditating more. Now if I could just have a little more time to read and craft.
OH! I got to be on TV this year. Totally enjoyed it and decided I need a show where I can just talk about random things and bring friends on to do fun stuff. Actually maybe I should just update my youtube channel...

Okay, that's enough. Later. Maybe I will actually post while in NC next month.