Friday, April 16, 2010

Interesting finds at TLA

I love this adorable chair.

This week Mark manned the his publisher's booth during Tx Library Assocation's Annual Conference. It was so fun to take the day off in order to join him for booth sitting as well as to attend his presentation. He did a great job, of course, and we had a ton of fun at the booth. We saw former colleagues and friends and we also made new friends with people who stopped by to inquire about the books and publisher. A lot of work but also a lot of fun!

I love seeing the bigger displays during these conferences, especially at ALA, lot of money there. Anyway, here are two of my faves this conference - that chair! It was so colorful and fun. It beckoned to me from across the aisle. By the end of the first day, I simply HAD to go try it out. Loved it. That'd be fun to have but it doesn't fit anywhere in the house. Shucks.

Here's the other thing I liked - check out that big ole eraser!!!! lol - how can you NOT want to pick that thing up and try it out?!?! It's not a REAL eraser. It's sort of like a pillow. Somewhat disappointing but a whole lot lighter than had it been real rubber. I had a ton of fun!

Pink Pearl

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