Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Flapjack the Donkey

ice cream scoop

"...please say [you] need a free donkey... We have no way of delivering him so whoever wants him needs to have a trailer to come and pick him up. He goes by the name of Flapjack. He likes pancakes."

I thought that was one of the funniest things I've read in a while. And it's for real. I read it on a group a friend added me to here in Seguin. Only in the country, folks, would you read about a pancake eating donkey name Flapjack. I LOVE it!

What does the cool ice cream scooper have to do with Flapjack? Nothing. I just happened to think of both at the same time. Maybe I shall name my scooper Flapjack. Brilliant. Anyway, this is a Zyliss product and I think it is THE best ice cream scooper I've ever had or used. Mark got it for me from Gift and Gourmet to replace a scooper we had that has now become a beekeeping utensil (for scooping bee food actually). It's got a nice heavy weight to it and it cuts through even hard ice cream with ease. And then when you turn it into the bowl, it amazingly releases the ice cream without you having to get a spoon out in order to coax the ice cream to come out of the scooper. Very nice. You don't know how fun it is to scoop ice cream for folks until you have a tool that works superbly. I also got some other great kitchen utensils but I'll save those for another post. :-)

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