Monday, March 05, 2012

Random Thoughts for Manic Monday

Kitty love

Random thought - I love Smokey. He makes me laugh more than he makes me grrr. :) And here are other random thoughts (RT) for ya today.

RT 2
I drank a creme brulee/hazelnut coffee this morning. Black. Only a touch (not even a teaspoon) of Clover honey. That is rare for me as I typically have what some people call "a little coffee with my milk." :) Anyway, like you needed to know that but there you go.

Ever since we started all the social media for GBR, I have tried to pay more attention to statistics for views/reads/likes/etc. on our pictures, blog, website, FB, and so on. I enjoy seeing what people look at on my Flickr account. I don't know why, it's just interesting. So the funny thing is this picture I took at a past ALA conference. I believe this one was in DC about five years ago. Wonder what it is that people are seeing or looking for in this shot. Makes me chuckle.

You should have seen these Asians!

RT 4
Speaking of stats and blogs, I like to see where people are from when they visit the blogs we maintain. This is the Seguin photo blog I started back at the library, thanks to Sarybow. Every time I think about quitting this blog, someone tells me how much they like it or some other nice thing and then I keep going. Besides, I need some outlets for all the things I have on my mind, right?!

visits to seguin blog march2012

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