I don't remember when exactly I started this but so much for my attempts at Random Thoughts Manic Monday series! I had a weird brief migraine both Monday and Tuesday afternoons. So glad today I nipped that pinched neck feeling in the bud before it escalated again. I think it's work. Lord knows a steel mill in spring (with pollens everywhere) doesn't help. Or the old. musty buildings. Away from work I have been just fine.
RT 1: I love Pinterest. It inspired me to move some of my stored tidbits of "stuff" into recycled food jars rather than plastic containers. Sooo much nicer to look at when things are in glass jars! Yay.
RT 2: Raising bees is sometimes like raising children. Young children. As in, don't take your eyes away for even five seconds! Because the next thing you know, they've vanished. Sadly, this happened to one of our new queens. Mark had just uncorked her cage and looked away to get the sugar cork. He took his eyes of her for like 3.5 seconds and forgot to put his finger on the opening. Poof. She's gone. Nowhere to be found near the hive or on the ground so she must have flown off. Sad. I was sad. But then I got distracted by something else so the sadness disappeared. :)
RT 3: I love this grocery app. It lets you make your grocery list by typing in your items or scanning in a barcode. You can then add it to your Favorites if it's something you might want to buy again later. Pretty snazzy. I loaded it on Mark's phone also and we can see the same list in case one of us gets to the store without the other one. Very nice. I'd like to find an app that will do that but also have the weekly menu planner also. I found some fee based ones but I always search the freebies first.
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