I'm all for continuous improvement and I am an IT person by trade in my other life away from GBR, but I don't understand the constant changes applied to FB. I love FB but I sometimes just don't understand their updating schedule.
Secondly, who on Earth does not "get" the whole "666" connotation? We applied for a bee brand with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service out of A&M land and they gave us a number that ends with "666" and then they didn't understand why we wanted something different. Do you?? Would you want that on every single hive you have? In pictures? At trade shows if we take a hive for display?
On a happier note, happy Friday! Have had a great time with Tuan and family here. Wish it was for longer and that Tuan lived closer. Too much to do and say and see. Not enough time. I sure love him.
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