RT #1
This pair of flip flops is perhaps one of THE most comfortable shoes I have ever bought. Yay! See? You know it's got to be really comfortable for me to make that my first random thought to share. The straps on the flippies are a soft fabric so they rest gently on top of your feet. And cute. Very cute. And just so we're clear, I was on my lunch break so it's okay that I kicked up my feet for a bit. :)
RT #2
All the technology we have is great but often I find that I still like my handwritten lists. There's something satisfying about seeing it all written right there on the paper. And I like that you can stash it in your pocket and then reach for it whenever you want. And if I don't have paper? Yep. I still write on my hand. Remember when you were younger and you'd get in trouble for writing on your hands? I do. And I still get told by some people that I should NOT do that. I don't know why it's a big deal. Maybe because it's like tattooing? Not sure on that.
By the way, that's delicious pineapple icing lemon cupcake a coworker made for a birthday celebration. Pretty and yummy.
RT #3
This is actually an air freshener that was gifted to me. I didn't even peel off the cover because it's coconut and vanilla - an interesting mix of scents. I got to pick it out among a wide selection at Bath & Body Works and while ladybugs and flowers and frogs were adorable, there was just something so sweet about Birdy with her cute little bow. I like having her right above me and she makes me happy when I look at her. I think I may go buy a few more of those little cuties and give them to people in need of a smile.
RT #4
When I saw this cool turtle (you know I love turtles), I automatically wanted a picture and then I automatically got on it. Does that happen to you or is it just me? Maybe it's just me. That reminds me of when I sat on the Boteros at the library. There was just something about the sculptures that just called to me to sit on them.
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