While in Florida, we were treated to young business women in action. Our nieces have an exclusive koi feeding business. Their savings are quite impressive from their little venture. This is amazing also because they currently have only one household customer. We tried to talk them into expanding their sittings to other creatures but at this time, they are committed to koi.
When another niece came to visit, it was hilarious to hear them talk about how to split up earnings. All this from young ladies who are 13, 11 and 10! The business is in Florida and the 3rd niece is in California. If she manages to somehow get a cut of the earnings without actually having to even be present, I may ask if I can invest in the business!
hola bonitas fotos un saludo
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your beautiful shot of koi is what I was aiming for and didn't capture.
And good luck to your entrepreneurial little nieces!
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