Monday, May 14, 2007

Knit Nite at Justin's...again!

May07 KN 025

What is the common denominator among these things: the Knit Nite gang, my OB/GYN and Thomas Gibson (of Darma & Greg fame and also of Criminal Minds fame)?

We all had a hankering for some yummy Justin's ice cream. And some socializing. That's right, we had our monthly KN at Justin's again and it turned out to be a very loud affair. Not just b/c we were there but there was also a ton of kids and their accompanying parental units as well. I was starting to actually be so distracted, I didn't even know what I was knitting! Turned out to be an exciting evening for the KN group.

Okay, so Mr. Gibson is in black and standing at the counter behind Danny. I believe he was very generous and paid for his entire group's tab. And he happened to be there with my OB/GYN and her family. Weird to see her. And then to see their families are chillin' out together. Anyway, it made for whispering on our part (that's HIM, you know...who?...oh! HIM!) and then I tried to snap some pics for Nohemi and somehow include Mr. G without asking him to pose with us.

More about the bees in the next post. Things are a bit hectic with my last week of work at SAPL. I'm hoping that I will soon have time to post more regularly once I get settled into my new job in Seguin. Yeah! No more commuting!


photowannabe said...

Wow, that's like a triple decker ice cream cone. Knitters, your OB-GYN and Greg. Looks like a fun place and a very enjoyable evening for everyone.

Unknown said...

Yea, it was hilarious I thought. Unexpected, all those people.

Shorty said...

I wish I had gotten a pic of those kids in the cape and the kid with the clown face paint on, but I didn't want the parental units to get worried that I was a stalker. If anyone reading this is ever in sa I totally recommend Justins they are nice and their sandwiches and soup are eggscellent. I'm still trying to get a taste of their meatball sandwich, everytime I order one, someone has already taken the last one. Their ice cream is also grrreat.