Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bees, Bees, Bees

Checking extreme activity

Here's a shot from yesterday when we checked on the extreme bee activity. Today there is not nearly the same level of activity and Mark taught me two things I find very interesting:
  1. First Flight: He thinks yesterday's extreme activity may have been the bees' "first flight." It's when the new baby bees take their first flight outside. They fly right around the hive, not venturing far. That's cool. I never knew about that.
  2. Cleansing Flight: When spring comes, the bees fly out to "cleanse" themselves. It's good to do your dirty business outside where you live I guess!


photowannabe said...

I love learning all the interesting things on the blogs. Now I know more about bees than I did before. Have a terrific weekend.

Unknown said...

I'm learning too, Sue!